What is Data4Good?

UMSI Data4Good center brings together non-profit organizations' data into larger datasets for benchmarking and trend analysis.

What projects are we working on at Data4Good?

Find our most recent work on the Projects page, and click on each project listed for more details.

How can I provide feedback on Data4Good's website or projects?

Fill out our Google Feedback form with any suggestions. We'd be happy to hear from you!

What's the benefit of joining Data4Good team?

Here are some of the benefits that are being realized and will grow:

  • Engages students who desire nonprofit and consulting experience
  • Builds participatory, hands-on learning
  • Interdisciplinary team building (web, database, API, data science -- analytics, visualization)
  • Contributes to student credential building
  • Contributes to UMSI brand
  • Will help attract students and potential new funding (as students publish research)
  • Non-profit IT leaders and program managers gain important decision-making tools
  • Non-profits gain a potential IT staffing pipeline
How else can I get in touch with Data4Good?

Reach us at: info@data4good.center

School of Information
University of Michigan
105 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285